Clear the Dawn – on Cold Coffee Stand

In that twilight state between wakefulness and sleep Maeve’s mind is dealing with a promotion back into a world she may never have wanted, Clear the Dawn on Cold Coffee Stand, a short story by me.

With work starting at dawn, Maeve turned and pulled the duvet close. The thoughts she saw were disjointed and she knew sleep would come soon. The warmth wrapped around her.


The cool air from the window soothed Maeve’s leg. A half in, half out body piled bedclothes into a mound that gathered between her thighs. She could end up working in the office at the hotel. That’s what they wanted. That’s what the afternoon’s meeting was about. The general manager with his body hugging, tailored blue suit and brown shoes everything she hated about corporate work.

Clear the Dawn

--- If I made you laugh, smile, cry, or think I'd love if you would let me know. ---

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